Thursday, December 1, 2011

From dusk till dawn

Situations controlling me

I dropped to the ground

hearing voices laughing at the filthy vagrant

my heart is burdened

my soul is screaming for release

in a world I can only imagine my own.

silence bothered me to insanity

no one cares to help

nor even to brush the dusk of my blackened clothes

My veins are pounding

from a life wasted in procrastination

laziness and depression.

The wind in my ear howled

urging me to rise up

to run for shelter from this cruel, sarcastic world.

I must try till my bones are rotted dry

till my capillaries scream for rescue beneath my scorched skin.

Scorched from the sun's rays upon my back

scorched from the confusion in my weary mind.

I must try till it’s over and

Oh Theophilous the great

I will join you 9 feet under

only when it’s all over.

Poem by Tricia Bethel 2004

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