Thursday, December 1, 2011

Love letter

You have filled an unimaginable silence

where whispers cascaded in single files,

a creativity of love worth longing for,

true beauty where true love lies

And because I was sadder,

I loved much longer,

neither souls could tell

Yours is a galaxy of affection worth longing for,

while mine's

a symphony of secrets entrusted where two hearts beat as one.

Tricia Bethel

Midnight Rose

I hear the noise of silence,

deep in my soul

urging me to calm the turbulence

that I wore so old

my fingers reaches outwards



a passion so red

just waiting to explode

like a rose at midnight.

Tricia 03.2009



Thoughts run deep

like rivers unending

Carrying me to an ocean

where nothing is impossible

brown eyes wide open


body arched with emotions

yet tall, breathing, waiting


hands finally carrying me

to where I belong


Power of love

Power of love (published in Diaspora magazine USA 2003)

Full satisfaction, a desperate quest

quiet night, silent request

from a heart void

reflecting the soul of a lover.

wishful eyes, lonesome, teary,

penetrating dense impediments of love.

melodious sounds

softening the heart

moistening the lips, salivating

yet miles apart, imagery creating reality.

OH what power of love!

What power of Lonesome minds!

Copyright 2009 Tricia Bethel



I see them everywhere

yet nowhere

They are invisible to me

They see my exterior

I read their interior

perverted thoughts of sex and making money

Emotions of greed and selfishness carved in every lines of their faces

They act all important

yet they are impotent

pretending to know it all

They thrive on others weaknesses

and not on their strengths

liars whose self-worth is less than dirt

whose eyes traces a generation even worse

than the existing


copyright 2009 Tricia Bethel

Strong Black Woman in Asia

To you the strong black women out here in Asia

Black woman

you have travelled so far

trotted through disappointments

bled through heart breaks

journeyed through



yet your beauty still shines

like a million peeping stars

Black woman

dry your tears

you have been liberated

freed from your fears

this world promise's nothing

but to give of yourself

and receive nothing in return

your strength is an ever flowing fountain

your kindness

surely not weakness

and here's to say

I am proud to be your friend

Copyright 2009 Tricia Bethel

Cheap Kiss

Cheap kiss

A musty Cafe

stink of cigarette smoke

sounds of loud chattering

Mixed with jazz

Mixed with soul

breaking concentration

confusing emotions

fingers writing

with a steady rhythm

writing in Mandarin

An occasional pause

wide eyes searching


The taste of caffeine lingering

Outside another world

bustling feet going nowhere

going everywhere

The reflection of a face in the window

dimmed by the steady candle lighted



A deep voice

an exchange of glances, smiles,


the smell of perfume mixed with sweat




self consciousness

His laughter, her laughter

Then an occasional silence

The rhythm of heartbeats



A door slams shut

the wind in its fierceness

A world in its craziness


the lingering taste in her mouth of caffeine and green tea.

Written while sitting in Bridge Cafe in bejing.

copyright 2009 Tricia Bethel